5 Tools for an Active Workspace

5 tools for an active workspace for freelance writers.

The freelance writing life offers independence and freedom from the traditional office space, but sitting down for long hours can take a heavy toll on your health—and your waistline. Long hours of sitting—popularly termed “sitting disease”—can be a major problem. It may increase the risk of weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer, and early death. Luckily, freelance writers can counteract the ill effects of sitting disease with an active workspace. Whether you prefer to stand, pedal, walk, or wobble, there’s something for everyone! Check out this infographic from Writers Work to learn about 5 great tools for an active workspace.

Outfit Your Active Workspace

Infographic showing freelancers how to create an active workspace.

Get Started as a Freelancer

Put your new active workspace to good use and begin looking for freelance gigs today! When you become a member of Writers Work, you’ll have access to a range of tools for freelance writers. Use our Document Editor to perfect client pieces, post your profile in the Writers Marketplace, and get ready to succeed!

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