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For Writers

Illustration of different modes of transportation.

Working on the Go: How to Maintain Your Freelance Writing Career While You Travel

One of the great advantages of a career as a freelancer is the flexibility it offers you. If you don’t like the idea of being tied to a 9-to-5 job, freelancing may be right...
Photo of a man tallying expenses on an invoice.

Bookkeeping Tips for New Freelance Writers

Freelance writing is a unique career path, and as such, it can take some getting used to. One of the most significant adjustments you’ll need to make as a freelance writer is learning to...
Photo of a person browsing her email inbox on a laptop.

Tips for Conducting Your First Interview

Writing and pitching are not the only skills you need to polish if you want to succeed as a freelance writer. It’s also important to learn how to gather the facts you need to...
Illustration of a top writer focusing on standing out as a freelancer.

Standing Out in a Crowded Freelance Marketplace

There’s no denying it: Freelance writing is all the rage these days. More and more writers are discovering the advantages of working for themselves, choosing their own assignments, and earning money being creative. Moreover,...
Photo of a woman sitting on the floor using her laptop.

11 Simple Strategies for Breaking Through Writer’s Block

Have you ever stared at a blank page and found yourself with nothing to say? Writer’s block is something that happens to every writer sooner or later, whatever their level of experience is. Even...
Thumbnail preview of infographic about setting freelance rates.

Know Your Worth! Freelance Rates 101

It’s one of the top questions new freelancers ask themselves: how much is my writing worth? While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, there are a few tips that can help as you determine the...
Photo of a laptop with Wordpress on the screen, plus a coffee cup, notebook, and smartphone.

Types of Content Every Business Should Have

When you think about content marketing for businesses, the first type of content you’re likely to think of is the blog. Blogs are a great place to start any online marketing campaign: They provide...
Freelance writer sitting on the floor, frowning at his laptop computer.

Should You Apply? How to Spot a Scam When Applying for Freelance Gigs

The bane of a freelance writer’s existence isn’t excessive edit requests or fiddly style guides. In reality, it’s scams. Unfortunately, it can seem as if scams come with the territory when you’re a freelance...
Photo of a person typing on a laptop computer.

Creating a Resume as a Freelance Writer

Here’s a riddle: What does a freelance writer have in common with a fish? The answer: They both have to keep moving. Just as a fish can never take a break from swimming, a...
Illustration of a writer in front of a laptop.

Launching Your Freelance Writing Career

Do you envision a career that lets you leverage your talents as a writer while setting your own hours and picking your own clients? If so, then you’re picturing a career as a freelance...