Freelance Writing FAQs

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Are you ready to put your writing talents to work while becoming your own boss? If so, then you’re ready to become a freelance writer! Freelance writing gives you the power to manage your own schedule and make money doing what you love. The work is out there, but most aspiring freelancers aren’t sure where to begin. Take the first step towards building a career you love by learning the answers to these freelancing FAQs:

Illustration of a laptop with a globe, showing how easy it is to freelance from anywhere.

What is freelance writing?

Freelance writing is the act of writing professionally—in other words, for pay—without being a staff member of a specific publication. Freelance writers typically write about a variety of topics for different types of publications, both online and in print.

Each piece a freelance writer creates must adhere to the requirements of the publication that has requested it. As such, freelancers write using different style guides and voices, and they adapt to different word counts and deadlines. For freelance writers, no two days are exactly alike. That is the exciting part for many people who pursue this career.

Illustration of one small stack of money next to a big stack of money.

How much does freelance writing pay?

The pay range for freelance writers is as wide as the range of jobs available. The types of publications for which you write, the amount of work you do, and your experience have big impacts on the amount of money you make as a freelance writer.

When you search for freelance writing opportunities, you will encounter some jobs that post a rate on a per word basis. Others may offer a rate per piece. Some freelance opportunities welcome pitches in which writers set their own rates. The variance in rates can be enormous, with some publications offering less than a penny per word and others offering over $1,000 for a completed piece.

As a general rule of thumb, smaller publications and blogs usually offer the smallest amounts, while established, large publications pay the most. Many freelance writers start out writing for small publications that don’t pay as well to build experience and a portfolio of writing samples, and then move on to larger clients. One of the great things about being a freelance writer is that you are in charge of deciding how much work to take and which clients to work with, so you can set and meet your own income goals.

Illustration of a laptop with a magnifying glass on the screen.

How do I secure freelance writing clients?

Finding freelance writing jobs involves doing research into different publications you like and completing generalized web searches. Writers Work helps by collecting freelance job postings from across the internet, and putting them in one place.

For freelance writers, searching for new clients is an ongoing process and is part of most working days. Visiting Writers Work a few times a day lets you keep up with new opportunities as they arise. Even better, you can sign up to receive email notifications as soon as new jobs that fit your needs are posted. After you find jobs you want to pursue, you can apply for them directly with the hiring companies. You can also find work by sending a pitch to a publication. In most pitches, you tell the publication your ideas for a piece and provide samples of your past writing. No matter what, it is essential to follow the requests of the publication accepting pitches closely.

After you make a pitch, the publication will respond to you with further instructions if you are selected to write the piece. If you are not selected, you may or may not receive notification. Keep moving forward with other pitches and clients in the meantime.

Illustration of a writer in front of a laptop.

Can I make a living as a freelance writer?

In a word, yes! Freelance writing is a fulfilling and financially rewarding career for many.

The key to making a living as a freelance writer is to ensure you balance seeking new clients and fostering ongoing relationships with existing clients with the task of creating new content. Finding new work is crucial, so make sure you carve out time in your schedule for this. A common mistake new freelance writers make is taking on so much writing that they don’t have time to look for new work. Try to view soliciting new clients as part of your job as a freelancer, so you can keep the right balance.

As you progress in your career as a freelancer, you may find that new writing opportunities come right to you. Clients will begin to seek out your work, instead of the other way around. As this happens, you will see your income potential grow and find that you’re able to be more selective about the work you take on.

At Writers Work, we are dedicated to helping freelance writers turn the dream of being their own bosses into a reality. We have the tools you need to get started as a freelancer, from job postings to document editing and text analysis. Set up an account on Writers Work, and make today the day you launch your career as a freelance writer.

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