For some businesses, the idea of hiring a freelance writer seems like just one more expense on the budget. This is especially true of small businesses, which have to be careful every cent in the budget. However, you may be surprised to learn that hiring a freelance writer can actually help you save money. In fact, there is a good chance that many of your competitors may already be using freelance writers to grow their brands and save money with efficient content production. Not yet convinced? Here are some of the cost-saving benefits you can expect when relying on a freelance writer for content production.
No Payroll Taxes or Benefits
If you don’t have someone on your team whose sole job is to create content, then your choices are to hire someone new or to work with a freelancer. When you bring someone to your team as an employee, there are a lot of expenses to consider. The obvious factors are salaries and the additional expense of workspace and equipment. However, you also have to cover payroll taxes and other employee benefits, like insurance and paid vacations. These costs can be significant, and for small businesses, they can be prohibitive.
When you hire freelance writers, you work with them on a contract basis. That means that they are not employees of your business. Thus, you pay them only for the work that they do for you. Likewise, since they are not employees, you are not responsible for paying payroll taxes. Freelance writers pay self-employment tax, which covers the contributions that you would make for an employee. Lastly, you don’t have to provide benefits to freelance writers. No salary, no taxes, and no benefits—plus no need to provide office space or equipment—means that you can get the work you need done for much less by working with a freelance writer.
Efficient Content Production
Some business owners try to cut corners when they need content produced. They will shift the task onto someone who is already on their team. Although this saves the business from making an investment into paying extra to get the content they need, the results are not usually great. Instead, the usual outcome is that an inexperienced writer on the team takes longer than anticipated to create content. Then, that doesn’t achieve the intended goals. All of this happens while that person is distracted from doing his or her actual job. As a result, important work may fall by the wayside.
When you hire a freelance writer, you don’t have to compromise the way your business runs. You won’t have to divert talented staff away from the tasks you hired them to do. Working with a freelance writer maximizes the efficiency for everyone. You get quality content that is produced on a reasonable timeline, and your customers aren’t inconvenienced because your staff is busy trying to figure out how to become writers.
As an added benefit, freelance writers are experienced with this kind of working relationship and don’t need oversight and supervision. All you need to do is provide a clear assignment and the information that you want the writer to have to complete the project, and he or she will return it to you completed on the due date. That means that you can focus on running your business instead of overseeing a writing project.
Content That Works
Chances are that if you are interested in creating content for your brand, then you have a goal you want it to achieve. Maybe you need copy for advertising. Alternatively, you might need blogs or onsite pages for your website that will attract customers. Maybe you need white papers or eBooks to meet the needs of B2B clients and commercial customers alike. Whatever the reason is for commissioning written content, the idea is almost certainly to reach a specific goal.
Freelance writers are experienced in a variety of types of goal-driven content creation, so they know exactly how to write pieces that fit your needs. They’re experienced in SEO content for blogs and websites, information content like white papers, and ad copy. They might also have experience in press releases, corporate biographies, and human-interest stories. You can find freelancers who have specialized knowledge in niche fields, like health or technology, and writers who are generalists who cover a variety of topics for you. Freelance writers can adopt the voice of your brand and tweak content to meet your audiences’ needs. The bottom line is that they have skills that are necessary to create content that aligns with your goals. As a result, you can expect the kind of return on investment you need from your content.
Ease of Hiring a Freelance Writer
Hiring a freelance writer doesn’t have to be overwhelming. At Writers Work, we offer our Writers Marketplace, where businesses can look through the portfolios of freelance writers and read samples of their work to find someone who matches their needs. Then, you can contact the writer directly through our site and make arrangements for your projects. Our writers negotiate rates individually, and we never take a cut. The payment arrangements and project details are always strictly between you and the writers that you hire.
The Writers Work platform lets you find quality writers without posting on job sites and being inundated with applications from unqualified candidates. Further, our writers have access to our comprehensive editing tools, so you can feel confident that they will deliver publish-ready work. Hiring a freelance writer is free on our site. Visit the Writers Marketplace today to find a talented writer to help with your content creation needs.
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