Writers Work Is Making It Even Easier to Succeed as a Freelance Writer
“Where will I find new clients? Who would even want to pay for me to write?” These are some of the most common questions new freelancers ask. As it turns out, there are tons...
How to Pitch Your Guest Blog Post Idea
A guest blog is a post written by a guest contributor and published on someone else’s website. Guest blogs are useful for the contributor because they establish the individual as an authority, build the...
Grammar Guide: Commas
Commas are one of the most important grammatical elements, but also one of the easiest to misuse. However, once you know the guidelines for comma use, you’ll be ready to dive into your next...
Building a Business as a Part-Time Freelance Writer
If you are thinking about building a freelance writing business, there is no rule that says it has to be a full-time pursuit. You may be surprised at how many freelance writers have thriving...
How to Write Killer CTAs That Drive Conversions
The call to action (CTA) is one of the most critical components of any blog post. After all, the CTA is the part of the blog that is designed to prompt a response from...
Checklist for Starting Your Own Freelance Writing Business
Becoming a freelance writer can be an extremely rewarding endeavor for anybody. The freelancing life comes with its challenges, but many writers find that the freedom and independence it offers is more than worth...
Effortless Tricks for Adopting Your Client’s Voice
As a writer, having a distinctive voice is important. Your voice is your brand, your calling card, and what sets you apart from all of the other writers out there. The tricky part for...
Art of the Outline: Know the Rules and When to Break Them
If you’re like most writers, the importance of an outline has been drilled into you since elementary school. Everyone knows you aren’t supposed to start writing without one, or else the focus of the...
Rules of Professionalism: A Guide for Student Freelancers
Freelance writing is an ideal job for college students, because it can be done on almost any schedule, and it allows you to be your own boss when it comes to choosing when to...
Preparing for Your First Skype Interview
As a freelance writer, at some point, you are going to be involved in a Skype interview. In some circumstances, you may be the one being interviewed by a potential client who is considering...