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For Writers

Writing Magazine Articles

Should New Freelance Writers Work for Free?

In any career path, people expect to start at the bottom and work their way up. And sometimes, that means taking on unpaid or minimally paid internships. However, it certainly isn’t necessary for new...
Laptop used to research insurance for freelance writers.

Skills a Successful Medical Writer Needs

Medical writing can be an exciting and fulfilling niche for freelance writers. Many freelancers find themselves drifting in the direction of medical writing after starting out as generalists. After all, so many medical practices...
Illustratrion of a person working to become a fastrer writer.

Can You Train Yourself to Be a Faster Writer?

When you’re a freelance writer, one of the only limits on how many jobs you can take is how much time you have to do them all. That means, by training yourself to write...
Photo of a woman sitting on a bed and typing on a laptop computer.

Getting into Ghostwriting: A Guide for Freelance Writers

Are you looking to mix up your usual freelance writing schedule of blogs, press releases, and short articles? Do you want to flex your writing muscles with some long-form work that requires working with...
Photo of a woman looking at her phone and typing on her laptop.

Questions to Ask Your New Freelance Writing Client

Landing a new client is pretty exciting, regardless of whether you’ve been a freelance writer for a few weeks or a few years. Your main responsibility as a freelance writer is to make your...
Hire a freelance writer to establish a business blog.

Top Tips for Writing for Blog Headlines

The average reader takes a matter of seconds to decide whether to keep reading a blog post or click away. That’s why it’s so important to craft a compelling headline and introductory paragraph. A...
Copywriter using a laptop computer.

Top Rules of Online Research

If you want to write first-rate online content for your clients, one of the most important skills you can teach yourself is how to do good research. For online content, research generally doesn’t mean...
Interviewing a freelance grant writer.

Guest Blogging 101

As a freelance writer, you probably know that hosting a blog that you regularly update with high-quality content is an important step for building your brand and increasing your visibility. However, you may not...

Becoming a Freelance Legal Writer

If you are looking for an exciting and profitable freelance writing niche, then legal writing could be right for you. There are a number of different opportunities for freelance legal writers, and those openings...
Illustration of a person on a laptop, ready for a break.

Why Regular Breaks Are Important for Freelance Writers

When most people think of what it would be like to be their own boss as a freelance writer, they envision a better work-life balance than they could ever get in the office. In...