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For Writers

Photo of a man sitting at a desk with a laptop, newspaper, and finance charts.

What Canadian Freelancers Need to Know about Taxes

The freelance life brings freedom and independence, but there are still certain requirements you must fulfill. Since you are your own boss, you need to keep careful track of your income and expenses, and...
Photo of a woman concentrating on work with her laptop computer.

Fighting Distractions as a Freelance Writer

If you’re a freelance writer, you don’t have a boss peering over your shoulder or a strict schedule that you are obliged to adhere to. Instead, you’re planning out your own schedule and keeping...
Title image for social media infographic.

How New Freelance Writers Can Make the Most of Social Media

Social media has changed most industries, and freelance writing is no different. Most successful freelance writers use social media to support their work, but that doesn’t mean that your personal Facebook page is going...
Photo of a woman working on a laptop at a kitchen counter.

Freelance Writing After Retirement: Launching Your Second Career

Are you looking to launch a second career? If so, you’re not alone. For millions of people around the world, retirement is no longer the end of working. If you’ve always dreamed of becoming...
Photo of a woman working Magazine Writing Job on laptop

Tips for First-Time Freelance Writers

So, you’ve decided to become a freelance writer. That’s the first step on the journey toward doing what you love for a living and being your own boss. However, now there is the realization...
Photo of two men catching up at a bar.

What Do You Do? How to Explain Your Freelance Writing Career

Working as a freelance writer can make the question “What do you do?” a complex one to answer. But—depending on who’s asking—it may be a very important question that you want to have a...
Photo of a man writing in a notepad next to a laptop computer.

Tips for Managing Rewrite Requests

It can be a confidence-shaker when a client asks for a rewrite on a deliverable you’ve just sent off, but as a freelance writer, you will need to understand that rewrites do happen. Often,...
Illustration of a computer with job listings on the screen.

Forget These Myths About Becoming a Freelance Writer

If you have considered entering the world of freelance writing, then there is a good chance that you have discovered that people have a lot of opinions on the subject. You may have been...
Writers Work Writing Prompts header image.

Say Goodbye to Writer’s Block with These Writing Prompts!

Feeling stuck with your writing? Haunted by the blinking of the cursor on a blank page? We’ve all been there before! Luckily, writing something—anything—can often be enough to get your creative juices flowing and...
Laptop used to research insurance for freelance writers.

Freelance Medical Writing: Is This Niche Right for You?

When you start out as a freelance writer, you might take a wide variety of writing jobs to get a feel for the work and discover which subjects you truly enjoy writing about. As...